Styku Body Scanning
What is Styku Body Scanning?
Styku uses 3D Body Scanning Technology to measure body data and composition like:
Body Fat Percentage
Lean Mass Percentage
Bone Mass
Waist to Hip Ratios
It can even tell you the length of your left arm or maybe you want to know the circumference of your right leg?
By digitally measuring circumferences like hip, thigh, waist, and bust, Styku will show you where you are gaining muscle, losing fat and how you are progressing towards your fitness goals.
Styku captures millions of data points and 600 infrared images, and after the scan is complete, Styku displays an accurate 3D model of you that’s viewable from a variety of perspectives. You can rotate, pan, zoom, and nest silhouettes to see real progress.
It’s an honest, objective way to measure yourself as you progress toward your health and fitness goals.
Why Body Scanning?
Let's be honest - Scales lie.
You get on it in the morning and weigh 125 lbs, you get on it during the evening and weigh 128. You get on the scale at the doctor's office and you weigh 123, but the scale at the gym says you weigh 133!!
So, what do you weigh? And more importantly, when you are on your health and wellness journey, HOW MUCH OF THAT IS FAT?
How long does
the scan take?
Your Styku appointment will take ~15 mins and include the scan and data evaluation. You will stand on the Styku turntable and rotate 360 degrees.
The scan itself will take ~30 seconds, and is contactless and private.
After the scan, a detailed Styku report and 3D model will be emailed to you, and your data will remain in the Jasmine Mays Fitness Styku system for comparison against future scans.
Minimal, form-fitting clothing, like sports bras, tights, leggings, underwear, or form-fitting swimwear.
Loose fitting clothing will result in inaccurate measurements.
Socks should be light colored or removed. You’ll also need to remove your shoes, hat, watch and jewelry.
Longer hair needs to be pinned up.
What should I wear?
Every 3-4 weeks, depending on your goals.
With repeated assessments, you can monitor changes in your body shape and dimensions over time, seeing the results of your current fitness routines and nutrition choices, allowing you to make changes, if necessary.
How often should I scan?
Is it safe to scan if I have a pacemaker or am pregnant?
The Kinect sensor used in the Styku scanner emits harmless infrared light, similar to that used in a remote control. It is completely non-invasive and safe to use.
Click here to read more information on scanner safety.